Can’t kill or cook!Emergency reminder in Yunnan!Pay attention to the rice noodles …

As summer comes,

Rice noodles, roll powder, snail powder and other foods

It is vulnerable to bacterial pollution,

So as to produce rice yeast acid!

The mortality rate after poisoning of rice yeast is high,

And there is no special effect "antidote",

Its toxicity is boiled and high -pressure treatment at 100 ° C.

It is also difficult to destroy.

You who love to eat rice noodles,

Be careful from the mouth!

July 20th

Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention issued the latest prompt

"Yunnan Disease Control" WeChat public account screenshot ↑

Recently, the media reported that two women in Henan were poisoned after eating cold skin. The news of 1 death and 1 injury caused widespread concern because rice yeast poisoning.

Why is there rice yek acid in ordinary food?How can we avoid poisoning incidents?

1. What is rice yeast acid acid

Rice yeast acid is a toxic metabolites for Tangya Popochwacteria coconut poisonous pathogenic variants.The pathogenic variant of Tang Pu Berke Holde is the first time and named food -based pathogenic bacteria discovered and named by Chinese scientists.The pupa Berk Holde coconut poisonous pathogenic varieties have been used to this day.

The Tangye Pobber Holde bacteria are widely distributed in nature, and it is easy to grow on the surface of the food. The appropriate temperature for the production of rice yeast acid is 22 ° C to 30 ° C.Rice yeast acid is a kind of toxin with colorless and tasteless heat -resistant. It still cannot be destroyed by boiling and high -pressure cooking at 100 ° C. Normal family cooking methods are difficult to eliminate, and poisoning can be caused after eating.

Second, the characteristics of poisoning of rice yeast acid

The poisoning incident caused by rice yeast acid is high in summer and autumn (May to September), which mainly occurs in rural areas in South China, Southwest and Northeast my country. Corn noodles, sour soup, glutinous corn dumplings, corn starch, fermented glutinous millet, hanging slurry, etc., in addition, the wet rice noodles, cold skin, etc. that are too long also occur from time to time; Fungus; Third, fermented potato products, such as potato noodles, sweet potato noodles, potato starch, etc.In Yunnan Province, most of the hanging paste, glutinous corn dumplings, etc. are mainly based on the fungus, which is too long.

After poisoning of rice yeast, it is mostly manifested as the symptoms of gastrointestinal stimulation, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc., and a few have diarrhea.In severe cases, abnormalities such as liver, brain, and kidney, such as jaundice, hepatic brain disease; headache, dizziness, drowsiness, coma; renal failure, hematuria, low urine, no urine, and even death.At present, there is no detoxifying drugs for rice yeast acid, and the condition and prognosis are related to the amount of toxin intake.

The mortality rate of rice yeast acid is more than 40%after poisoning. Not only that, the toxin, which is currently in the medicine, has no special effects of "antidote" in medicine. Usually, it can only be diluted through hemodialysis (plasma replacement).After the disease, the recovery situation is related to the amount of toxins intake.If the toxins have reached the organs and the medical treatment is not timely, it is likely to cause irreversible damage and endanger patient life.

III. Suggestions

At present, the high incidence season of rice fermentic acid food poisoning needs special attention. Please pay attention to the following matters while cleaning and balanced nutrition:


The production process of the slurry is fermented or soaked for a long time. In the hot and humid environment, it is easy to be polluted by the pathogenic deformation of Tang Po Bobok Holde. It is recommended that families or small workshops generally do not make or sell yeast rice noodles.


When consumers purchase and buy fungus and Tremella, they must choose food operators with formal qualifications for purchases. At the same time, pay attention to the sanitary conditions of the sales environment, buy regular products with production permits, and pay attention to the production date of the product label, andThe shelf life and storage conditions.Waste fungus and white fungus should not be too long. After soaking, it should be processed and consumed in time; do not eat the white fungus, fungus and its products that are made of processed the next day; do not eat the deteriorated white fungus or fresh fungus.


When buying fresh rice noodles (fresh rice noodles, river powder) and other foods, choose regular channels.Pay attention to the sensory characteristics and shelf life of the product, especially those who are sold in bulk, pay attention to the production date, shelf life, and storage conditions of the product.


When purchasing the above foods, food operators implement the responsibility of operating entities, do a good job of purchase inspection and claims to ensure that the source can be traced and quality is guaranteed;Storage and sales of bulk shall indicate the name of the food, production date, shelf life, producer name and contact information in the storage location.


Suspicious symptoms occur immediately.Poisoning caused by rice yeast acid is urgent. If suspicious poisoning occurs, suspected suspicious foods should be stopped immediately, vomiting as soon as possible, excretion of stomach content, to reduce the absorption of toxins and damage to the body, and go to the hospital for treatment in time.

Comprehensive Yunnan Disease Control, CCTV News, Kunming Information Port

Source: Palm Spring City

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